These icons are generated from a webfont and displayed by a pseudo class. The icon classes are applied to a <span> because of its lack of semantic meaning.




  • Icons use the color of the parent element unless specifically defined with a color class
  • Icons should be used consistently throughout the UI to avoid confusing meaning—it‘s best to stick with the initial intent of the icon, which is typically indicated by the icon name


  • Not all icons should be used without a label—consider if the icon is critical to understanding content or function, or if it‘s only for visual embellishment
  • Icons that are key to understanding the content or function must be accessible, see the accessibility notes below
  • Icons were created in a 20px x 20px grid with subpixel antialiasing addressed at the default size, scaled icons may have blurry edges when rendered on non-HiDPI displays
  • Icons can only be presented in a single color, if you need multiple colors or something more details consider using SVG for a spot illustration


  • Icons can be used as a visual shorthand for common actions and controls
  • Icons can also be used as visual anchors and embellishment


  • If icons add meaningful value to the content consider adding additional text with the .sr-only class within the icon <span>. For example, you may have a delete button with the .ico-delete icon where something like this would be appropriate, <span class="ico-delete"><span class="sr-only">Delete</span></span></span>

Class Names


Use on a <span> where the * is replaced with the icon‘s class name after the prefix

  • Last updated May 15, 2018
  • Authorable - Yes
  • Core - Icon Font